Tasmanian based musician Oliver Gathercole and Sarah Jane Moore are happy to be performing together again.
Performer, teacher and professional musician Oliver Gathercole will travel from his home based studio in nipaluna / Hobart to Bondi to rehearse at the Bondi Pavilion in the music studios. Sarah Jane and Oliver were introduced through a musician and mutual colleague and Oliver has taught both of SJ’s young children to play the piano and been a regular part of SJ’s Tasmanian life for many years. Oliver and SJ have performed Sarah Jane’s original music in island based galleries and at festivals and events. SJ has sung in one of the choirs that Gathercole leads and respects Oliver’s work as a teacher, musician and friend. Their work together has been funded by the Hobart City Council through small grant funding opportunities for music outreach for families during covid and they have enjoyed a creative partnership through performing in schools and large student choirs. In 2019, Sarah Jane was successful in applying for a grant from the Australia Council to fund the recording of the song Wybalenna for which Sarah Jane wrote for Gathercole to play on piano. They both visited Flinders Island to enable this song to unfold.
This time, in the Royal National Park, Oliver Gathercole will play Moore’s mother’s wooden alto recorder which was handed down to her after her mother’s death in the 1980s. The reinterpretation of Moore’s music in new time/space will conjure up different stories and possibilities and all members of the audience/walkers will have opportunity to lead discussions or share stories about their connections to place.
Sarah Jane is hoping to have climate change scientists and allies join the crew on Sunday and their unique perspectives and expertise as research scientists and field workers in science will be welcomed into the storying and place making of this unique event. Sarah Jane is grateful to Professor Poore and the staff and students within Biological Earth and Environmental Science for supporting the studio in which Moore creates her worlds and honours the scientists who have crossed her path to enlighten, inspire and assist her art meets science approaches along the way. Gratitude too, to ANAT for their continued support of Moore’s practice and committment to supporting Moore’s creative practice as a former Synapse artist.
The event has been supported through studio time provided by the Waverley Council’s Artistic Residency Program and Moore and Gathercole thank the Pavilion staff for enabling them to rehearse at the iconic venue. Two years ago they worked with 2020 UNSW EDI Festival Director Fergus Grealy on a musical and story sharing event that was planned to be delivered through face to face live theatre performance on site at UNSW but was pivoted online owing to covid related travel restrictions. This time the dynamic musicians will be sharing time, songs and stories as part of the UNSW Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Festival on Sunday October 30. Oliver and Sarah Jane enjoyed working with Fergus and the EDI Festival so much that we vowed to each other that we would like to support the festival again with our creative partnership and unique style of place based Tasmanian music and are delighted to have been selected to present as part of the impressive EDI Festival line up in 2022.
Join them in the Royal National Park for this unique event. Meet them at Waterfall Station in the car park at 1 pm on Sunday October 30 and we will walk together and story, talk and listen to the bush and to each other.
This event is an inclusive and family friendly event.
BYO walking shoes, water bottles, snacks and sunscreen. Listening and sharing are important elements of this musical experience.
Register through this link; Oliver and I look forward to meeting, talking with and walking with you this Sunday.