Author Archives: Sarah Jane Moore

About Sarah Jane Moore

Dr Sarah Jane Moore is an independent creative artist, performer, researcher and educator with a PhD from the University of Sydney. Moore explores an art meets science approach and is an Adjunct Associate Lecturer and Oyster Artist in Residence at UNSW Sydney. Dr Moore shines a light on nature based learning and outcomes through her long term collaboration with UNSW Indigenous Scientia fellow and oyster expert Dr Laura Parker. Hosted by the School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences, Sarah Jane's research dialogues are story based and focus on the Baludarri or Sydney Rock Oyster. Moore's work explores nature based marine play and provides opportunities for co creation through clay and oyster shells. Moore's oyster beds build capacity and thinking and provide opportunities for marine based communities of practice to seed and grow. Moore sings, sculpts, writes, performs and grows communities of sustainable, sustaining practise.

The world is our oyster; thinking through the Baludarri

Like bottom dwellers,

Memories flow like rivers.

Families connect

And seeds disperse.

I am told that it is through the microscope

That her first stage of life

Is dance.

I am told that she moves through the water column and is mobile.

I am told that she flutters.

In her early stages

She is restless

She does not settle

But rises with the tide

It is later that I see her heartbeat

It is later that I cut her

Cut her out and

Remove her shell

Her flesh is soft and salty

She bubbles

And dies

The world is our oyster.


Posted by on May 19, 2019 in Uncategorized

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Oyster Bed

I know where oysters lie a poem for voice by Sarah Jane Moore


I know why the caged bird sings

I know where oysters lie

I know where the cold wind blows

The stories they survived

Ripped and stripped they sailed on ships

Dug out reefs every tide

lined with mortar stuck in stones

The colony did rise.


Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed

Hacked and split and left for dead

Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed

Broken shell and clans not fed


In ancient times the birds flew free

ancestral wings did glide

oysters spawned on milky dawns

and moon bird wings were wide

squid on hooks, disrupted nooks

feathers they did fly

culture, water, wind and song

two stories did collide.


Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed

Hacked and split and left for dead

Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed

Broken shell and clans not fed


Claiming Country

Sea Birds Fled.

Chaos on Country.





Posted by on May 16, 2019 in Uncategorized

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