‘Worlding with Oysters’ poetic essay is published

September 05

A poetic essay; Worlding with Oysters

I am thrilled to have published my ‘Worlding with Oysters’ essay through story, text, poetics and image in the special issue of eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics. With a focus of art, science and marine environments I imagine rivers and oceans as essential learning spaces and places rich in diversity, story, hope and song. This is my first poetic essay form and I am thankful for the opportunity to work with Associate Professor Anita Lundberg, Editor-in Chief at eTropic. The special issue Environmental Artistic Practices and Indigeneity: In(ter) ventions, Recycling, Sovereignty brings together creative works, poetic essays and acadmic articles which address numerous forms of Indigenous artistic practices. This collection speaks literally and metaphorically of the ocean and the river ecosystems of the Pacific Islands, Australia, French Guiana, the Carribean and Southeast Asia.




Posted by on September 5, 2020 in Uncategorized

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