I know where oysters lie a poem for voice by Sarah Jane Moore
I know why the caged bird sings
I know where oysters lie
I know where the cold wind blows
The stories they survived
Ripped and stripped they sailed on ships
Dug out reefs every tide
lined with mortar stuck in stones
The colony did rise.
Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed
Hacked and split and left for dead
Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed
Broken shell and clans not fed
In ancient times the birds flew free
ancestral wings did glide
oysters spawned on milky dawns
and moon bird wings were wide
squid on hooks, disrupted nooks
feathers they did fly
culture, water, wind and song
two stories did collide.
Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed
Hacked and split and left for dead
Oyster Bed, Oyster Bed
Broken shell and clans not fed
Claiming Country
Sea Birds Fled.
Chaos on Country.